Tune in for Investing, Information and Relaxation (Podcasts)
Have you discovered the value of podcasts for financial insight? Gaining outside perspectives is a smart way to look at your financial future. There are podcasts for all ages, genres, and cultures and they can be fiction or nonfiction and range from serious to comedy and everything in between. Between the host and the interviewee, you will hear a story that will leave you with value, intrigue and perhaps even a good laugh.
Four reasons to listen to podcasts:
- Get Inspired: With the world focused on a pandemic, it’s nice to take time to focus on topics that are inspiring and uplifting right now. Check out Jay Shetty’s On Purpose for some fascinating conversations with people from around the world. If you search around, chances are you will find a podcast that will truly inspire you and maybe even lead you to plan a change in your retirement journey.
- Stay Educated and Informed: As part of the Baby Boomer generation, learning about retirement planning, investing and financial security is important. Planet Money makes today’s economy a fun topic to learn about. There are podcasts that discuss timely financial topics and may trigger questions and discussions you want to have with your personal financial advisor regarding your retirement plans.
- Personal and Professional Growth: Heading into retirement might be the perfect time to evaluate your career goals and personal development, and if you’re looking to change things up, tune in! AARP offers podcasts like Take on Today with episodes for the 50+ age group and talks about everything from health, to work, to volunteering. Making lifestyle changes at this stage can affect your retirement strategy so be sure to talk through ideas with your financial advisor.
- Optimize your Time: Let’s face it, sometimes we’re so busy moving we don’t have time to sit down and read a good book. Driving, walking, and commuting are perfect times to listen. If you’re interested in culture, crime, history, paranormal, or even trivia, you can search topics and you’re guaranteed to find something that piques your interest. A long drive can get you through an entire story – and give you something to discuss upon your arrival.
Generally, podcasts are listened to while on the go, but you don’t have to download an app since most smartphones come with one preloaded. If you want to discover what stories other apps are offering, some of the top podcast services include:
- iHeartRadio: Includes both live radio and podcast networks like BBC and TED
- Stitcher: Offers search capabilities, creating playlists, and listening to news
- TuneIn Radio: Offers MLB, NBA, NFL & NHL with their premium service
- Spotify: Known for music but recently added podcasts
- Laughable: Free app that focuses on comedy
Got questions about any of the topics you have tuned into? Call us today at (860) 461-1709 and let’s have an open conversation.
Adapted from Huffpost1: [1] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/five-reasons-to-listen-to-podcasts_b_59986b60e4b033e0fbdec48a